Returning Items

Please be aware that we cannot issue any refunds before the parcel is delivered to you or before we have confirmation from our courier partners that a parcel will no longer be delivered for various reasons (e.g. damaged in transit, lost in transit etc.)

The shipping cost for Nottingham is £ 7.99 and for shipping in other UK is cost £ 11.99.

If an item isn’t the perfect match (isn’t what you were expecting or what you ordered), contact us and we can offer a replacement for you. You can also return it for a refund within 15 days of delivery* in the original condition and packaging (this only applies for non-fresh and non-frozen items)The delivery fee will not be refunded.

!!! Please note that you are responsible for the costs of returning itemsFrozen items that arrive on time and are still frozen or partially defrosted can’t be refunded. Please use your discretion to decide wether these items are still suitable for freezing (they are still frozen) or if they should be consumed within 24 hours (partially defrosted). 

If you choose for us to arrange for them to be collected and/or shipped, the return shipping charge can vary between £4.99 and £14.99 for small parcels. This cost will be deducted directly from your refund.

Some items cannot be returned/refunded, including:

  • Items which are perishable
  • Items that have been opened
  • Items that are reported more than 24 hours after the delivery time
  • Items that are not delivered on time due to the customer not being available to receive the order when the delivery is attempted

!!! Please note that you need to let us know if you are not happy with an item or if an item is missing within 24 hours from the moment you receive it. You will also be required to send us a picture with the item(s) clearly showing the issue. Thank you for your understanding.